Social Security System (SSS) President and Chief Executive Officer Michael G. Regino and Climate Change Commission (CCC) Secretary Robert E.A. Borje signed a pact on July 14, 2022 at the SSS Main Office in Quezon City that will provide social security coverage to additional job order and contract of service workers working in the government.

Regino said that job order and contract of service workers in the CCC will get SSS coverage under the KaltaSSS-Collect Program. Under the program, contract of service and job order workers will be classified as self-employed members of SSS. Government contract of service and job order workers are not covered by the Government Service Insurance System due to their employment status.

“Through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), CCC will serve as an authorized Coverage and Collection Partner of SSS. They can collect and remit monthly contributions of its job order and contract of service workers through a salary-deduction scheme,” Regino said.

He added that as SSS self-employed members, they will be entitled to receive social security benefits such as sickness, maternity, disability, retirement, funeral and death benefits. “They may also apply for our various loan programs which include salary and calamity, among others. On top of that, they will also get additional coverage from the Employees’ Compensation Program (ECP) for work-related contingencies,” he continued.

Regino lauded CCC for looking after the welfare of its job order and contract of service workers. “We salute CCC for taking time to give their job order workers the social security protection that they really deserve. We hope that other government agencies will be further inspired to imitate the effort of CCC’s leadership in securing the future of each of its employees and ensure that they have something to lean on in time of emergencies,” he added.

Also present during the MOA signing are (standing from left to right) CCC Strategic Partnership Division Chief Alexis D. Lapiz and SSS Cooperatives and Informal Sector Department Concurrent Acting Head Carlo C. Villacorta.

As of May 2022, more than 350,000 job order and contract of service workers in 1,442 local government units (LGUs), 475 national government agencies, 106 state universities and colleges (SUCs), and 65 local water districts now have social security coverage through the KaltaSSS-Collect Program.