Luzon Procurement Opportunities

Date Posted Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch RFQ Number Title Deadline of Submission of Quotations
08/29/2021 Cabanatuan Annual Physical Examination for 42 Employees

8/3/2021, 5:00PM

08/29/2021 Luzon Central 1 Division Annual Physical Examination for 152 Employees

8/3/2021, 5:00PM

08/28/2021 Lipa Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests for 41 employees assigned at SSS Lipa Branch

September 1, 2021 at 5:00 PM

08/17/2021 Baguio Procurement of services for the Conduct of the 2021 Annual Physical Examination of 30 Employees of SSS Baguio Branch and 2 employees of Luzon Large Accounts Department (Total: 32 pax) (1 LOT)

August 24, 2021; 9AM

08/17/2021 Laoag Procurement of services for the Conduct of the 2021 Annual Physical Examination of 27 Employees of SSS Laoag Branch (1 LOT)

August 24, 2021; 9AM

Date Posted
  • 08/29/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Cabanatuan
RFQ Number
  • Annual Physical Examination for 42 Employees
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • 8/3/2021, 5:00PM

Date Posted
  • 08/29/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Luzon Central 1 Division
RFQ Number
  • Annual Physical Examination for 152 Employees
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • 8/3/2021, 5:00PM

Date Posted
  • 08/28/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Lipa
RFQ Number
  • Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests for 41 employees assigned at SSS Lipa Branch
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • September 1, 2021 at 5:00 PM

Date Posted
  • 08/17/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Baguio
RFQ Number
  • Procurement of services for the Conduct of the 2021 Annual Physical Examination of 30 Employees of SSS Baguio Branch and 2 employees of Luzon Large Accounts Department (Total: 32 pax) (1 LOT)
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • August 24, 2021; 9AM

Date Posted
  • 08/17/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Laoag
RFQ Number
  • Procurement of services for the Conduct of the 2021 Annual Physical Examination of 27 Employees of SSS Laoag Branch (1 LOT)
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • August 24, 2021; 9AM