Luzon Procurement Opportunities

Date Posted Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch RFQ Number Title Deadline of Submission of Quotations
02/16/2021 Bacoor General Pest Control Services of SSS BacoorBranch for the period March to December 2021

02/19/2021 @8:00am

02/10/2021 Sta. Cruz Supply of Diesel for the service vehicle of SSS Sta. Cruz Branch, Laguna for the months of February to December 2021


02/10/2021 Luzon South Medical Operations Section Supply of Diesel for the service vehicle of SSS Luzon South Medical Operations Section for the months of February to December 2021


02/09/2021 Calamba General Pest Control Services of SSS Calamba Branch for the period March to December 2021


02/04/2021 Urdaneta Messengerial Services

2/9/2021, 5:00PM

Date Posted
  • 02/16/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Bacoor
RFQ Number
  • General Pest Control Services of SSS BacoorBranch for the period March to December 2021
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • 02/19/2021 @8:00am

Date Posted
  • 02/10/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Sta. Cruz
RFQ Number
  • Supply of Diesel for the service vehicle of SSS Sta. Cruz Branch, Laguna for the months of February to December 2021
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • 02/16/2021

Date Posted
  • 02/10/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Luzon South Medical Operations Section
RFQ Number
  • Supply of Diesel for the service vehicle of SSS Luzon South Medical Operations Section for the months of February to December 2021
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • 02/16/2021

Date Posted
  • 02/09/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Calamba
RFQ Number
  • General Pest Control Services of SSS Calamba Branch for the period March to December 2021
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • 02/12/2021

Date Posted
  • 02/04/2021
Proponent/Requesting Department/Branch
  • Urdaneta
RFQ Number
  • Messengerial Services
Deadline of Submission of Quotations
  • 2/9/2021, 5:00PM